News of the nation’s fresh return to a golden age of civility in public discourse has apparently not yet made its way to the isolated north Boston district of Massachusetts Democrat Michael Capuano. Speaking to a group of Boston area union workers about the battles over public sector unionization currently being waged throughout the country in places like Wisconsin, Rep. Capuano [MA-8], had this gem to toss into the collection of civil discourse already shaping the debate:
“I’m proud to be here with people who understand that it’s more than just sending an email to get you going. Every once and awhile you need to get out on the streets and get a little bloody when necessary.”
Apparently abandoning school children to line the halls of the state capitol with the aid of a faked doctor’s note or shirking one’s legislative duties by hiding away in a neighboring state are not sufficient means of protesting some of the same beliefs towards public sector labor unions once held by infamous union buster Franklin Delano Roosevelt. No, Rep. Capuano prefers that protestors take things a few steps further, and “get a little bloody.”
One would certainly expect that all people, no matter their political affiliations, would meet such violent and incendiary rhetoric with scorn in this new era of civility. How about the union members gathered to listen to Rep. Capuano’s remarks? “The crowd cheered and hooted for each Congressman as they spoke – the tougher the talk, the louder the reception.”
Click here for an artist’s rendition of Rep. Capuano’s speech.