According to President Obama's Budget for the coming year, the Obama Administration is planning to add an additional 3,690 new full-time employees to the Internal Revenue Service payroll.

This means that in 2013, President Obama will now have 96,203 IRS bureaucrats available to enforce and oversee the implementation of Obamacare.

IRS: Full-time Employment Requests

IRS Programs: 2011 Actual 2012 Estimated 2013 Estimated
Taxpayer Services      
Direct civilian full-time employment 31,603 30,601 30,636
Reimbursable civilian full-time equivalent employment 515 476 476
Allocation account civilian full-time equivalent employment 139
Direct civilian full-time employment 50,142 47,716 51,713
Reimbursable civilian full-time equivalent employment 161 161 161
Allocation account civilian full-time equivalent employment 133 7
Health Insurance Tax Credit Admin.      
Direct civilian full-time employment 13
Operations Support      
Direct civilian full-time employment 12,439 11,985 12,609
Reimbursable civilian full-time equivalent employment 106 106 106
Allocation account civilian full-time equivalent employment 591
Business Systems Modernization      
Direct civilian full-time employment 512 605 495
Therapeutic Discovery Program Grants & Admin.      
Direct civilian full-time employment 10
Totals each year: 95,501 92,513 96,203

(The Appendix, Budget of the United States Government, Fiscal Year 2013)