Grover Norquist on the Obama Administration's Backdoor Carbon Tax
ATR President Grover Norquist appeared on Fox Business Network's Varney & Co. to discuss the dangers of a carbon tax and how Obama plans to increase energy bills through EPA fiat.
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Americans for Tax Reform was mentioned in a press release from the office of Rep. Tom Price (R-Ga.) for their support for his new bill to keep the IRS away from the enforcement of Obamacare:
"‘I am grateful to my colleagues in the House who have chosen to co-sponsor this legislation because they share a grave concern about the IRS's role as the enforcement agency of the President's health care law,’ Rep. Tom Price said. ‘We welcome Members of Congress from both sides of the aisle to also co-sponsor this bill and empower patients, families and doctors to make health care decisions, not the IRS.’
This two-page bill has also earned the support of several prominent thought leaders and organizations, including Americans for Tax Reform and FreedomWorks. Rep. Price discussed his proposal Friday on ‘On the Record with Greta Van Susteren’ on the Fox News Channel.”
John Pudner at Breitbart picked up an item from Americans for Tax Reform which calculated the cost that professional basketball players will owe due to the Obamacare Medicare Tax: “Obama Admin Pushing Pro Leagues to Back Obamacare”
“A couple of dozen former college basketball players will sign multi-million dollar contracts after the NBA Draft in three days. A report from Americans for Tax Reform reminds them Obamacare will take a big chunk out of those new checks even as HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius confirmed the administration is lobbying major sports leagues to advocate for Obamacare. The breakdown of taxes played by NBA players as Obamacare is implemented shows Kobe Bryant paying an additional $250,642 in taxes.”