Following their exclusive interview with Grover Norquist, Kathleen Walter and Greg Richter of Newsmax TV wrote an article on his opinions of immigration reform, as well as the recent Washington scandals:
“The GOP must speak to people of all backgrounds to let them know they are valued members of the American family, Norquist said.
‘Our request, our insistence is that you be loyal to the Constitution,’ he said. ‘That’s what makes you an American, not what country your grandfather was born in.’
Norquist predicted passage in both houses of Congress because he said it has been discussed in the open, unlike Obamacare or the Dodd-Frank Wall Street reform act.”
Trevor Baratko’s article in the Loudon Times voiced Grover Norquist’s statement that the win of Republican Dave LaRock showed the displeasure of Virginians over the $6 billion tax hike of the last legislature: “Norquist lauds LaRock’s lopsided win”
“‘Make no mistake,’ Norquist stated. “House Transportation Committee Chair Joe May's defeat can be directly attributed to his vote for Speaker Bill Howell's misguided $6 billion tax hike … A Republican majority, under new leadership, should work to enact pro-taxpayer reforms and repeal the 2013 transportation tax hike championed by Del. May, Speaker Bill Howell, and Gov. Bob McDonnell.’"