
ATR President Grover Norquist issued the following statement today in support of President-elect Donald Trump’s nomination of Steven Mnuchin for Secretary of the Treasury:

“Americans for Tax Reform supports Donald Trump’s nomination of Steven Mnuchin to be the next Secretary of the Treasury. Mr. Mnuchin truly understands the importance of tax reform and its positive impact on economic growth and job creation. He has extensive experience in housing, finance, banking, and trade, as well as a far-reaching comprehension of financial markets.

“Mr. Mnuchin has committed to passing pro-growth tax reform in 2017. It has been more than thirty years since tax reform was last signed into law and our tax code is woefully outdated and uncompetitive. Pro-growth reform will ensure higher wages, more jobs, and a stronger economy while also helping our businesses compete with the rest of the world.

“Under President Obama Americans have seen the role of government in the market increase exponentially with regulatory regimes such as the Dodd-Frank Act. While Dodd-Frank was supposed to target Wall Street, impacts of the law have instead fallen heaviest on Main Street, reducing small business lending, shuttering credit unions and community banks, and growing the number of unbanked Americans.

“Mr. Mnuchin has made it clear that reforming the Dodd-Frank Act will be his ‘number one priority on the regulatory side’ once he becomes Secretary of the Treasury.

“I know that Mr. Mnuchin will be a leader in his role as Treasury head, and will work to ensure American consumers and taxpayers are protected, while also working to foster a regulatory climate that allows business to grow and prosper.” 

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