This week’s blog shout out features an article on trimming South Carolina’s budget by FITSNews. In the article, FITS looks into Governor Nikki Haley’s proposal to trim welfare payments as well as a State House proposal to cut statewide employee pay by 25%.

ILLINOIS – Illinois Review

In celebration of Rep. Peter Roskam’s performance on the center stage at CPAC, ATR is giving a shout out to Illinois Review, an Illinois-centric blog that features Roskam’s eloquent editorial on President Obama’s proposed budget. Take some time to peruse the blog, which features commentaries on a variety of state and federal issues, particularly fiscal restraint and school choice in Illinois. In a state so deeply in the red, blogs like the Illinois Review are a great place to get news and info on ways to help Illinois dig out.

ILLINOIS – Publius Forum

Warner Todd Huston over at Publius Forum featured a recent post by ATR's John Kartch. In the article, Kartch debunks President Obama’s lie claiming he lowered taxes during his pre-Super Bowl interview. Huston also takes a look at Obama’s rhetorical style and his ability to get away with putting out misleading information. Mr. Huston is an acclaimed blogger and has written for several magazines and prominent blogs.

NEW YORK – The Lonely Conservative

Today, The Lonely Conservative, a blog based in New York, picked apart President Obama’s budget proposal by looking at hidden tax hikes identified by ATR. The author also points out to the massive energy taxes and spending increases spun as “investments” that are included in the President’s budget, and the dire consequences of these proposals. Also, while you’re at the Lonely Conservative, check out her article on the dangers of overspending.