The Alliance for Worker Freedom has issued a letter to U.S. Representatives urging them to support Rep. Phil Gingrey's [R-GA] H.R. 548, the Restoring Democracy in the Workplace Act. If passed, this bill would invalidate the National Mediation Board's (NMB) "minority rule" ruling (95 Fed. Reg 26062) allowing unions to organize transportation industries with less than a majority of employees voting for representation. AWF Executive Director, Christopher Prandoni, said the following:
"Unable to advance its radical agenda in Congress, the current administration has made use of various federal agencies to implement these harmful initiatives via regulatory fiat. Making no attempt to mask his intent, President Obama appointed two former union lawyers to the NMB—effectively giving unions a stranglehold over the agency.
It is evident that the National Mediation Board will not change course unless their decision is explicitly challenged by Congress. The "minority rule" ruling reveals a contempt for workers’ preferences, as well as a clear bias towards union interests. The Restoring Democracy in the Workplace Act is necessary and appropriate legislation which looks to reinstate longstanding union election rules."