Cast Your Vote for Vice President!
Here’s your chance to say who’s the best vice-presidential nominee to run with Donald Trump this fall. We’re tallying votes through June 17th.
How to Vote: We’re using preferential voting. Click on a name of a candidate, and that candidate becomes your 1st choice. After you have clicked on all the candidates you want to rank, you can drag names up or down to rearrange your list.
Who Wins: All first choices are counted. The candidate in last place loses. Those voters’ ballots then count for their next ranked choice. This process continues until you have a winner with majority support in the final head-to-head “instant runoff.”
Seeing the Results: The result pages shows who is winning. You can click on the circular arrow on the left to see the initial vote count. You can click the green arrow to see the results round-by-round. You also can manually eliminate candidates by clicking the gray circle to the left of their name.