Americans for Tax Reform supports the Virginia Free File program, and the principles of privatization and choice that brought it to fruition.
During the 2010 legislative session, House Bill 1349 was passed by the House (86-10) and the Senate (33-6); requiring the establishment of Virginia Free File. This program is modeled after the IRS Free File program and offered at no cost to the Commonwealth of Virginia. In order to create this program, leading online tax preparation and filing software companies donated their services for this project. Using this program, a majority of Virginians can prepare and file their taxes for free.
Before the passage of House Bill 1349, there was a government run online tax filing system offered by the state. Online tax filing is a business that the state did not need to be involved in. Governor McDonnell and the legislature recognized this fact and passed HB 1349.
Privatization and competition are good principles for state governments to open the doors to; and Virginia did well in embracing them with the creation of Virginia Free File.
ATR encourages you to write in support of the Virginia Free File program. You can write to Governor McDonnell and your legislators here.
Click here to see the coalition letter sent by ATR and 6 other organizations in support of Virginia Free File.