Reps. Ben Chandler (D-Ky.) and Alan Grayson (D-Fla.), joining over 80 other democrats in the House and Senate, recently sent letters to Federal Communication Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski urging him to abandon his attempts at regulating broadband Internet as a monopoly telephone service. It is believed by the representatives that it is the responsibility of Congress to determine the legal framework of broadband, not the FCC.
In his letter, Rep. Grayson states that: "If the FCC strays outside the statutory boundaries established by Congress, the results can be profoundly anti-democratic.” Clearly Genachowski needs to realize his mistake in following this plan to reclassify broadband. Both of these letters also come in the wake of a bi-partisan resolution, which expresses that the FCC wait for Congress to decide on any reclassification of broadband Internet.