To assist lawmakers across the globe in navigating issues related to tobacco, vaping, and other alternative nicotine products, the Tholos Foundation has released an informational packet aiming to provide critical decision makers with the necessary tools to enact policies that reduce the harm adult tobacco users are subject to.

Tholos’ packet, titled Vaping & Tobacco Harm Reduction: The Path to Saving Millions of Lives, explains harm reduction, why it is preferable to prohibition, and lays out the scientific evidence that overwhelmingly shows vaping products, heat-not-burn products, snus, and nicotine pouches to be significantly less harmful than traditional combustible cigarettes. Additionally, Tholos uses the packet to fight back against misinformation, dedicating a section to debunking some of the most popular myths about vaping products.

Included are overviews of various harm reduction related policy issues, as well as policy recommendations for each issue. Tholos’ packet covers vaping flavor bans, nicotine caps in both e-cigarettes and cigarettes, menthol cigarette prohibition, vaping taxes, and much more.

Tholos also offers an analysis of the electoral impact that supporting tobacco harm reduction can have for a candidate or lawmaker. Polling data illustrates that vaping is a vote-winning issue that can, and has, carry candidates to victory in tight races.

To read the complete 2023 Vaping & Tobacco Harm Reduction: The Path to Saving Millions of Lives, click here.