Dallas, TX–  Today the federal Advisory Commission on Electronic Commerce passed an Internet Tax resolution that includes many items that will help lower taxes and protect taxpayers.
Grover Norquist, a member of the Advisory Commission on Electronic Commerce and president of Americans for Tax Reform, issued the following statement on the plan that was adopted by the ACEC:
"The ACEC\’s vote on the proposed Internet tax plan is a tremendous victory for taxpayers.  The report filed by the ACEC is taxpayer friendly and includes the following policy proposals:
  1. Eliminating the federal 3% excise tax on telecommunications
  2. Making permanent the current moratorium on Internet access taxes
  3. Making digital goods and their physical equivalents free of sales and use taxes
  4. Ending the discriminatory taxation of telecommunications property and services
  5. Defining clear physical presence standards for the imposition of state and local income and business activity taxes
  6. Simplifying state and local telecommunications taxes
  7. Simplifying state sales tax systems
"In short, the ACEC passed an anti-tax resolution that protects taxpayers and the Internet."