Last week, over 600,000 Michiganders submitted their signatures to put a two-thirds supermajority requirement to raise taxes on the November ballot. The ballot language, proposed by the Michigan Alliance for Prosperity, would subject all future tax increases to a two-thirds vote of the legislature or Michigan voters. Below are statements from Americans for Tax Reform and National Taxpayers Union.
“Over the last decade, Michiganders were hit with billions of dollars in higher taxes and even higher spending as they helplessly watched their families, businesses, and wealth flee the state. The Michigan Business Tax and other tax hikes did not help to save Michigan – they helped sink Michigan into higher unemployment and a single-state recession. Now more than ever, as the state rebounds, taxpayers need a strong protection against future attempts to take Michigan backward through once again raising taxes. Michigan’s dark, lost decade is behind it. A two-thirds supermajority requirement to raise taxes will help ensure Michigan’s economy can compete and grow well into the future. All taxpayers should stand up and vote YES this November on a two-thirds requirement to raise taxes.”
– Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform
“Despite spending much of the 2000s in recession thanks in part to burdensome taxes and ever-increasing spending, the Great Lake State has lost some of its luster. With an unemployment rate currently sitting at 8.5 percent, Michigan’s top priorities must be to protect taxpayers and nurture a pro-growth environment. With this common sense two-thirds supermajority initiative, Michiganders can have a direct, constructive role in their state’s climb back to national prominence. From liberal states like California and Washington to conservative states like South Dakota and Oklahoma, two-thirds supermajority thresholds enjoy widespread support because they provide reasonable restraints on the ability of governments to raise taxes. Our nearly 12,000 members in the state look forward to the upcoming effort on behalf of providing Michigan residents the same protection.”
– Duane Parde, president of National Taxpayers Union