Americans for Tax Reform (ATR) president Grover Norquist comments on Frank Lautenberg taking Bob Toricelli\’s spot on Democratic ballot.
WASHINGTON – Today, taxpayer advocate Grover Norquist, who heads Americans for Tax Reform (ATR) in Washington, issued the following statement on Democrat Frank Lautenberg\’s decision to enter the U.S. Senate race against Republican Douglas Forrester:
"Bob Torricelli was never a trustworthy vote for New Jersey taxpayers, as he voted to increase taxes on numerous occasions. But Torch\’s replacement on the Democratic ticket by Frank Lautenberg should frighten the socks off of Garden State taxpayers.
"Torch supported tax relief if he thought it was good for him politically, but Frank Lautenberg consistently opposed tax relief during his eighteen long years in the Senate.
"Lautenberg has repeatedly refused to sign the Taxpayer Protection Pledge, which is a written promise by elected officials to their constituents to oppose tax hikes. He wouldn\’t sign it as a Senator nor as a presidential candidate. His opponent, Doug Forrester, has pledged to oppose tax hikes.
"Taxes are an especially important and sensitive topic in New Jersey, and for good reason. As the wealthiest state in the country, New Jersey\’s taxpayers pay more to the federal government than taxpayers from any other state – but at the same time, they get even less back. President Bush\’s tax relief plan saved each Garden State family over $1,500 last year, and New Jersey taxpayers should beware of having Frank Lautenberg represent them in a Senate where one vote would make the difference between tax hikes or tax relief."