After breaking his "No New Taxes" pledge to Georgia taxpayers, State Rep. Warren Massey tries questioning the integrity of taxpayer advocacy group Americans for Tax Reform (ATR).

WASHINGTON – State Rep. Warren Massey (R) took to the floor of the Georgia House today to denounce Americans for Tax Reform (ATR), the taxpayer advocacy organization that sponsors the Taxpayer Protection Pledge, or "No New Taxes" pledge. Massey said he would not pay attention to the group or the pledge he signed, but instead support a massive tax hike on Georgia taxpayers – right near Tax Day.

The legislator signed ATR\’s Taxpayer Protection Pledge in 1998, which reads: "I pledge to the taxpayers of the 24th District of the State of Georgia and to all the people of this state that I will oppose and vote against any and all efforts to increase taxes," Yet, despite the language of the Pledge, which ATR President Grover Norquist calls "so clear you\’d bump your head into it if it were a door," Massey says it was solely a promise to a Washington group and not Georgia taxpayers.

"What part of \’promise\’ does Warren Massey not understand?" asked Norquist. "When you promise your wife you will be faithful are you only promising for two years? When you promise the pro-life community you will protect the lives of the unborn are you committing to only two years and when you promise the pro Second Amendment community that you will protect the rights of law abiding gun owners are you only committing two years?" he continued. Currently, President George W. Bush, eight governors, Sen.Saxby Chambliss and seven members of Georgia\’s congressional delegation, as well as 248 members of Congress, and 55 other Georgia state legislators have signed the Pledge.

"Pledge signers are committed to Georgia taxpayers, not Americans for Tax Reform," noted Vice President of Policy Damon B. Ansell. "If Rep. Massey wishes to be released from his pledge, he must stand for reelection after hosting a press conference attended by ATR announcing his having renounced Georgia taxpayers," concluded Ansell.

"The rules of the Pledge have been consistent since Ronald Reagan first signed it 17 years ago," added Norquist. "Warren Massey ran for reelection last November without renouncing the Pledge, and was elected by voters who thought they were voting for a pro-taxpayer candidate. True integrity can be found in keeping promises to those who elected you."