The Days of Senate Decency

Liberal special interest groups and the Senators that pander to them continue their partisan political battle to defeat Judge John G. Roberts, President Bush’s Supreme Court nominee, by subjecting him to litmus tests on a laundry list of the extreme Left’s pet issues. Interestingly, during the Senate’s consideration of Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, Sen. Howard Metzenbaum didn’t mince words when it came to such tactics:

“It is offensive to suggest that a potential justice of the Supreme Court must pass some presumed test of judicial philosophy. It is even more offensive to suggest that a potential justice must pass the litmus test of any single-issue interest group. The disturbing tactics of the division and distortion and discrimination practiced by the extremists… have no place in these hearings and no place in the nation’s democracy.”

Senator Edward Kennedy (D-MA) quoted Senator Metzenbaum during Justice Clarence Thomas’ confirmation hearings agreeing that these “disturbing tactics of the division and distortion and discrimination practiced by the extremists” and continued by adding that Kennedy thought that it “…is also true for the old Left.”

Grandstanding and political gamesmanship should not be part of the Senate confirmation process; it should be a deliberative meeting looking at the honesty, strength, and competency of the nominee.

Americans for Tax Reform has called on the Senate to meet its constitutional obligations and ensure a speedy confirmation process with an up or down vote on all judicial nominees.