Legislatures could pass resolution instructing Senators how to vote
WASHINGTON- Americans for Tax Reform (ATR) today unveiled a plan to submit a sample resolution to state legislatures in an attempt to encourage state legislatures to consider passing a resolution aimed at instructing the U.S Senators from their states to confirm President-elect Bush\’s cabinet nominees.
Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform, issued the following statement on ATR\’s plan:
"There are 10 states that have at least one Democratic Senator and legislatures that are controlled by Republicans. These legislatures could pass resolutions instructing Democrat Senators to support the cabinet nominees of President-elect Bush.
"Historically, the role of the Senate in the confirmation process of a President\’s cabinet has been to ensure that the nominees were qualified to enforce the laws and capable of doing the job. It has never been the job of the Senate to flatly reject a person based on his or her ideology. Apparently, some liberals in the Senate are unaware of this.
"It is clear, based on the actions of some extremist Liberals in the Senate, such as Barbara Boxer (D-CA), they are attempting to sabotage the confirmation of former Sen. John Ashcroft (R-MO) as the nation\’s Attorney General. This is a sad moment in American history. The incoming President should be allowed to choose his own people with little or no interference from the Senate assuming the nominees are qualified and have been totally forthcoming.
"Liberal Senators such as Robert Torricelli (D-NJ), Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), Carl Levin (D-MI), Russell Feingold (D-WI) and Kent Conrad (D-ND) have all either showered praise on Ashcroft for being a man of principle and integrity or said that they don\’t see how he could not be confirmed.
"I would say to Sen. Boxer it is she that is truly out of step with America. Many of her colleagues from her side of the aisle appear poised to confirm former Sen. Ashcroft as the next Attorney General and she should do the same."