Today, the Alliance for Worker Freedom sent the following release in response to Rep. McKeon being appointed to Armed Services Ranking Member and leaving the vacant seat of Ranking Education and Labor Member open.
9 JUNE 2009
Rep. McKeon (R-Calif.) Appointed Ranking Member of Armed Services – Leaves Education & Labor Ranking Open
WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Alliance for Worker Freedom (AWF) recently learned that Rep. McKeon (R-Calif) has been appointed the Ranking Member position on the U.S. House Armed Services Committee, leaving his former position as Ranking Member of Education and Labor Committee open.
Brian Johnson, Executive Director of the Alliance for Worker Freedom said, “McKeon will be missed. He served as a great leader in the Committee and filling those shoes is going to be tough. I am concerned however with some of the members’ track records who are in-line to fill this position. Based on past votes that skew the market in favor of one worker over another, there is real concern from the center-right community and I hope House Leadership takes previous voting records into account.”
The Republicans behind Rep. McKeon in order of seniority include: Thomas E. Petri (WI-06), Peter Hoekstra (MI-02), Michael N. Castle (DE-At Large), Mark E. Souder (IN-03) , Vernon J. Ehlers (MI-03) , Judy Biggert (IL-13), Todd Russell Platts (PA-19), Joe Wilson (SC-02), John Kline (MN-02), Cathy McMorris Rodgers (WA-05), Tom Price (GA-06), Rob Bishop (UT-01), Brett Guthrie (KY-2), Bill Cassidy (LA-6), Tom McClintock (CA-4), Duncan D. Hunter (CA-52), Phil Roe (TN-1), and Glenn ‘GT’ Thompson (PA-05).
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