At Americans for Tax Reform’s annual Tax Day Eve Press Conference held last Thursday, Joint Economic Committee Chairman Erik Paulsen (R-Minn.) highlighted the booming economy, 18 year low unemployment, and increasing business optimism resulting from the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act:
“Business optimism is up, capital investment is up, the economy’s improving steadily, and GDP is moving in the right direction. Unemployment is now down at 4.1% for six straight months, something we haven’t seen since the year 2000.
“Some thought that this wasn’t going to be possible, that we would have to settle for meager economic growth, especially the last administration. As far as I’m concerned, that would be true if you assumed the worst and felt that the only way forward was to have the government take over the economy. But we know better, and that’s because we believe in the American people.
“The long-term drag of a broken tax code had been encouraging American employers to move their manufacturing, their innovation, their research and development, their jobs, and their headquarters overseas.
“But after the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, things are very different.”
Congressman Paulsen represents Minnesota’s 3rd district. ATR has compiled a list of Minnesota companies giving tax-cut bonuses and raises, available here. The national list of companies can be found here.
Rep. Paulsen’s full remarks and the press conference in its entirety can be found below and here: