Rangel\’s "Mother of All Tax Hikes"

1. Grover Norquist to Discuss Rangel’s Trillion Dollar Tax Bill

2. Tax Hikes in Rangel’s “Mother of All Tax Bills”

3. Rangel’s Secret Spending Giveaway

4. Rangel Tax Hike Fact of the Day #1
“You don’t have to raise taxes to pay for an AMT patch or for full AMT repeal.”

5. Rangel Tax Hike Fact of the Day #2
“The Rangel Tax Increase Hikes Taxes on Over 24 Million Small Businesses”

6. Rangel Tax Hike Fact of the Day #3
“The Rangel Tax Hike Violates the Taxpayer Protection Pledge”

7. Rangel Tax Hike Fact of the Day #4
“The Rangel Tax Hike Would Secretly Raise the Capital Gains Tax Rate to 24.6%”

8. Rangel Tax Hike Fact of the Day #5
The Rangel Tax Hike Would Secretly Raise the Dividends Tax Rate to 44.2%

9. Rangel Tax Hike Fact of the Day #6
“The Rangel Tax Hike Replaces Today’s AMT With Your Children’s AMT”

10. Rangel Tax Hike Fact of the Day #7
“The Rangel Tax Hike Will Cost Americans Six Million Jobs”

11. Rangel Tax Hike Fact of the Day #8
“The Rangel Tax Hike Will Raise the Top Marginal Tax Rate to 47%”

12. Rangel Tax Hike Fact of the Day #9
“The Rangel Tax Hike Brings Back the Death Tax”

13. Rangel Tax Hike Fact of the Day #10
“The Rangel Tax Hike Triples a Tax on Your Pension”

14. Rangel Tax Hike Fact of the Day #11
“The Rangel Tax Plan Imposes a Guaranteed Tax Hike on Middle Income Families”

15. Rangel Tax Hike Fact of the Day #12
“A Thief in the Night: The Rangel Tax Hike Steals the Mortgage Interest Deduction for Families”

16. Rangel Tax Hike Fact of the Day #13
“Rangel Tax Hike Says ‘Bah, Humbug’ to Charitable Contributions”

17. Rangel Tax Hike Fact of the Day #14
“Rangel Tax Hike Euthanizes The Catastrophic Medical Deduction”

18. Rangel Tax Hike Fact of the Day #15
“Rangel Tax Hike Even Takes Away Charlie Rangel’s Favorite Tax Break”

19. Rangel Tax Hike Fact of the Day #16
“Rangel Tax Hike Moves the Poor Into a Higher Tax Bracket”

Click here to read everything you ever needed to know about the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) and why Charlie Rangel\’s solution to AMT is just plain wrong.