Since coming into office, the Obama Administration has taken an antagonistic stance against America’s oil and natural gas producers–energy sources that power our country– barring exploration along most of our coastline and threatening to levy job-killing tax increases.

In an attempt to push back against this anti-growth agenda, the American Petroleum Institute has organized nationwide Rallies for Jobs throughout the month of September–the first of which are held today in Texas.

The message of these rallies is clear: higher taxes mean fewer jobs.

Responsible for more than 9.2 million well-paying jobs across the country, oil and natural gas production is one of America’s biggest industries. Furthermore, this industry is already taxed at an exorbitant rate: the effective tax rate for oil and natural gas companies in 2009 was 48 percent compared to 28 percent for the rest of Standard and Poor’s industries.

The taxes being floated by the Obama administration would undoubtedly result in job loss. With the unemployment rate already hovering around 10 percent, further taxing America’s energy producers would be imprudent and irresponsible.

If you cannot make it to the Texas rallies today, you can view them and forthcoming rallies at

Below is a list of the subsequent rallies across the country, I hope you will be able to join the thousands of Americans uniting to rebuke the job-killing policies coming out of Washington.

Sept. 1    11 a.m.   George R. Brown Convention Center Houston, TX
Sept. 1    11 a.m. American Bank Center Convention Center Corpus Christ, TX
Sept. 1  11 a.m Port Arthur Civic Center  Port Arthur, TX
Sept. 7   12 noon  Canton Memorial Civic Center Canton, Ohio
Sept. 8 11 a.m. McGee Park    Farmington, NM
Sept. 8        11 a.m. Pipefitters Training Center              Mokena, IL (Joliet)
Sept. 10     11 a.m. Two Rivers Convention Centrer  Grand Junction, CO