
During a January 2011 interview, Oprah Winfrey was asked by Piers Morgan if she feels pain writing checks for over $100,000.

Oprah replied:

The most pain I feel – my accountants will tell you this – every time I write a check to the IRS. It’s a ceremony. They come in – for years they came in with wine – now they come in with tequila.”

Oprah has also spoken out against the Death Tax:

“I think it’s so irritating that once I die, 55 percent of my money goes to the United States government…You know why it’s so irritating? Because you already paid nearly 50 percent when the money was earned.” 

Time to endorse the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, Oprah?

The Washington Examiner’s Paul Bedard has a new piece up today exploring the question of how Oprah’s position on taxes would fare with the big-government, high-tax Democrat party. 

Bedard includes a quotation from ATR president Grover Norquist:

According to Grover Norquist, president of the tax watchdog Americans for Tax Reform, her past opposition to taxes would be a problem for liberals. He told Secrets, “Oprah Winfrey has spoken against the unfairness of the double taxation inherent in the Death Tax. She’s talked about how much it pains her to pay excessive taxes. That is the beginning of wisdom for any candidate for office. But this would be knocked out of her in any primary run by the Democrats.”

Click here to read Bedard’s article