The Internet Tax ban has always been widely supported, but because of its popularity for 18 years it could not escape other ball and chain initiatives. Now it is Free!
Four major bipartisan trade bills have been signed into law this Congress under the leadership of Senator Hatch (R-Utah). These bills help American job creators and workers compete in the global market.
There are more reasons than efficient trade enforcement and facilitation in this Act to celebrate.
Senator Hatch, along with allies Senator Ron Wyden, Chairman Kevin Brady, and Chairman Bob Goodlatee, included a permanent ban on Internet access taxes in the Trade legislation.
The Internet Access Tax was a threat that Congress held over the heads of the American people for 18 years. The ban on these taxes was periodically extended, but without permanency it was always a bargaining chip that tax & spenders wouldn’t take off the table. That threat is gone.
On Wednesday February 24th, President Obama signed the fourth of this suit of bills into law, the Trade Facilitation and Trade Enforcement Act, with Senator Hatch at his side.
Americans can thank a bipartisan effort in both the Senate and the House to pass trade legislation and the Permanent Internet Tax Freedom Act.
Americans, can also thank President Obama for signing this legislation into law.
Like the permanent extension of the Bush tax cuts, the Permanent Internet Access Tax Ban is a win to celebrate.
In a time when it seems as though the partisan gridlock seems impossible to break, and American taxpayers see there taxes rising, we need to remember these victories.
These victories are not small. These are battles we never have to fight again.