The Property Rights Alliance is pleased to herald the publication of the 2012 International Property Rights Index (IPRI), the world’s most comprehensive measure of intellectual and physical property rights among nations.  Sixty-nine international organizations partnered with the Washington, DC-based Property Rights Alliance and its Hernando de Soto Fellowship program to produce the sixth annual IPRI. 

The IPRI utilizes three primary metrics to create a composite score: Legal and Political Environment (LP), Physical Property Rights (PPR), and Intellectual Property Rights (IPR).  Most importantly, the IPRI stresses the great economic disparities among countries with strong property rights and those without.  Nations comprising the first quintile enjoy an average GDP per capita of $39,099; more than double the $18,631 average per capita income of the second quintile.  The third, fourth, and fifth quintiles average $10,394, $4,655, and $5,149, respectively.

Over the last year, the United States’ IPRI remained in 18th place, replicating its all-time low score of 7.5 out of a possible 10.0.   According to the index, a 0.1-point decline in Intellectual Property Rights offset an identical increase in Protection of Physical Property Rights.  The Legal and Political Environment score was stagnant at 7.1

"As the global economic recovery continues at a numbingly slow pace, all nations should be seeking to provide economic stability.  Strong property rights is an essential component,” stated PRA executive director Kelsey Zahourek, “While the United States still enjoys fairly strong property rights, its recent deterioration in the rankings is quite concerning. From post-Kelo eminent domain abuses across the nation to serial harassment by an overzealous Environmental Protection Agency, actions that weaken property rights pose a serious threat to economic growth and prosperity at home and abroad.” 

The International Property Rights Index will provide the public, researchers and policymakers, from across the globe, with a tool for comparative analysis and future research on global property rights. The Index seeks to assist underperforming countries to develop robust economies through an emphasis on sound property law.

To view the report in its entirety visit