
“Pan Am strongly believes that programs such as the TCJA and the 45G tax credit, supported by continued reduction in overly burdensome regulations, provide substantial incentives for investment in America’s growth.”

Pan Am Systems, Inc. today awarded $1,100 tax reform bonuses to 719 employees.

Pan Am Systems, Inc. is a diversified holding company. Its subsidiaries include Pan Am Railways – the nation’s largest regional rail carrier by mileage operating in five states; Perma Treat Corporation – a wood products manufacturer, including railroad ties, and Pan Am Brands, a trademark licensing company.

According to a company press release:

In an effort to highlight the benefits of the landmark Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (“TCJA”), Pan Am Systems, Inc. is pleased to announce that it will be issuing a one-time bonus of $1,100.00 to each employee of the company and its subsidiaries, effective today. This bonus is intended to; (a) acknowledge the importance of our employees; and (b) provide those employees with additional compensation to use as they elect.

As noted by the President, the TCJA is intended to make resources available for investment by businesses that will have downstream effects of expanding and creating wealth among all citizens. Pan Am shares this goal and is committed to future capital investment to foster growth of the company. Pan Am strongly believes that programs such as the TCJA and the 45G tax credit, supported by continued reduction in overly burdensome regulations, provide substantial incentives for investment in America’s growth. – May 23, 2018 Pan Am Systems, Inc. press release

Pan Am is the latest addition to the list of tax reform good news at