“I can make a firm pledge. Under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase. Not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes.”

–Candidate Barack Obama, Sept. 12, 2008

“No one making less than $250,000 under Barack Obama’s plan will see one single penny of their tax raised whether it’s their capital gains tax, their income tax, investment tax, any tax.” 

–Vice Presidential candidate Joe Biden, Oct. 3, 2008

“No family making less than $250,000 will see their taxes increase.”  


“If your family earns less than $250,000 a year, you will not see your taxes increased a single dime. I repeat: not one single dime.”

–President Barack Obama, Feb. 24, 2009

“The statement didn’t come with caveats.” 

–Obama spokesman Robert Gibbs, April 15, 2009, when asked if the pledge applies to the Obamacare legislation.