On Monday, President Barack Obama will mark his first six months in office.  Americans for Tax Reform has assembled the following numbers for taxpayers evaluating  Obama’s performance: 

10                     Number of years it will take to double the national debt under the Obama budget
16                     Number of days it took Obama to break his central campaign promise to not raise
                        “any form” of  taxes on Americans earning less than $250,000 per year by signing
                         an increase in the federal excise tax on tobacco
                        (Smokers’ median income is $36,000 per year)
153                   Number of days it took Obama to abandon his campaign promise to allow the public
                         to view legislation on his desk for five full days : “When there’s a bill that ends up on
                         my desk as president, you the public will have five days to look online and find out
                         what’s in it before I sign it, so that you know what your government’s doing.”
500                  Number of Fortune 500 companies who would ship jobs abroad as a result of Obama’s
                        proposed double taxation of American companies overseas
0                       Number of developed countries that have a higher corporate income tax rate than the
                        United States (we’re tied with Japan at 40%)
$50 billion       The amount of tax money raised per year for every one percentage point in a
                         Value Added Tax (VAT) scheme not ruled out by White House officials
33%                  The percentage of families filing a tax return that had zero or less in income taxes paid
                        (making it mathematically impossible to cut taxes for “95 percent of working families”)
800,000           Minimum number of Americans attending tax tea parties since Obama’s inauguration

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