
 In his final State of the Union Address, President Obama touted the success of Obamacare in lowering healthcare costs. In reality, the opposite is true – healthcare costs are becoming more and more unaffordable – as shown by recently released data on 2016 Obamacare premiums, compiled by Freedom Partners. Of the 50 states, enrollees in 34 states saw a top increase in premiums of 20% or more.

At a high of nearly 50% rate increase, Minnesota’s market premiums top the chart. Minnesota is followed by Alaska with a 39.6% increase- Oregon and Tennessee trail closely with 37.1% and 36.3%, respectively. The premium percentage increases from private insurance companies are broken down by state, proving that Obama’s claim that “healthcare inflation has slowed…” is clearly false.

With Obamacare’s mandate forcing individuals to buy increasingly unaffordable health insurance or pay a tax, Americans are finding themselves stuck between a rock and a hard place. With insurance premiums (and also deductibles) increasing at such a rapid rate, many in the middle class are faced with higher and higher bills when visiting their doctor or a hospital.

The top ten states with premium increases are as follows:

Minnesota: 49.0%

Alaska: 39.6%

Oregon: 37.1%

Tennessee: 36.3%

Oklahoma: 34.4%

Hawaii: 34.4%

Texas: 34.0%

Montana: 34.0%

North Carolina: 32.5%

Ohio: 32.0%


To see the full Obamacare Premium Increase Tracker- click here.