Obamacare glitches are a “nothing-burger” to Vermont Governor, and Democratic Governors Association Chair, Peter Shumlin, but to hardworking Vermonters they're the most expensive thing on the menu.
In Vermont, people have successfully signed up for coverage through the exchange, but no one can pay for it. Many are having to resort to utilizing paper applications due to website’s many glitches, reports the Vermont Digger.
Mary Eversole, director of the Vermont Insurance Agents Association stated:
"I have a mutiny on my hands. My brokers keep getting locked out of the system, and they can’t enroll people,” she said. “They are using paper applications. We have groups that need to be enrolled within 75 days, and that goes quickly. So, we are concerned."
“I don’t think that this can be viewed as a success if someone can view all of the products but can’t pay for them.” – Senator Mullin (R-Rutland)
For a state that has an individual and small business mandate kicking in January 2014, any delay is a “something-burger” for hardworking citizens trying their best to comply with unmanageable government mandates.