This Tuesday marked the launch of Obamacare, and things did not go as swimmingly as the administration would have hoped. In fact, representatives from three major insurance companies (Blue Cross, Aetna and Cigna) confirmed that signup numbers were ‘meager’ as glitches continued to plague the exchanges in numerous states. In fact, as Forbes noted:
“Very, very few people that we’re aware of have enrolled in the federal exchange,” said one anonymous insurance industry official to the Washington Post. “We are talking single digits.”
Furthermore, many state officials had to pare back their initial claims about website traffic. California officials initially claimed that as many as 5 million individuals had visited the state exchange website. Upon further examination, this estimate was “scaled down” to around 645,000. As one insurance company official put it, ‘it is a trickle, not a wave’. Perhaps Democratic Senator Max Baucus was not so far off when he called the law’s implementation a “train wreck”.