In a new Rasmussen poll released last week, only 26% of adults believe President Obama has delivered on his promise to cut taxes for 95% of Americans.
The bad news for President Obama doesn’t end there. While campaigning for the Presidency last year, candidate Obama made it very clear that he did not favor “tax cuts for everyone”… unfortunately for him, according to the same Rasmussen poll, a majority of Americans DISAGREE with that policy. More than half the people polled believe that an “across-the-board tax cut for all Americans” is needed to stimulate the U.S. economy.
Here are more key points in recent polling dealing with Economic issues as it relates to the public and their attitudes toward the the Economy, and some of the recent policies that have been enacted by the President:
- 60% of Americans say tax cuts are good for the economy
- Only 31% of those polled believe stimulus is creating jobs
- Nearly two-thirds of voters prefer government to offer less services/lower taxes
- 77% feel Government Spending is a bigger problem than American unwillingness to pay higher taxes
- Voters trust Republicans more than Democrats on the issue of the Economy
What does all of this mean? Well, let’s take into consideration what was said, promised, done, and ultimately where we stand now:
- Candidate Obama talked of increased cuts in spending and making deficits disappear… the reality is that spending cuts have been nearly non-existent and the deficit will continue to grow due to the policies that President Obama has enacted.
- Candidate Obama promised that he would not raise taxes on people earning less than $250,000… the reality is that President Obama broke that promise several days after taking office when he increased taxes on cigarettes.
- The Obama Economic team’s own report estimated that unemployment would hit a ceiling of 8% in 2010 if the so-called “stimulus” bill passed … the reality is that that we are now at 9.4% unemployment and the “stimulus” bill passed months ago.
The recent polling done by Rasmussen seems to suggest that there is a strong possibility that the President and his allies in the Congress appear to be out-of-touch with the average American and their own personal needs when it comes to the Economic crisis, and how best to go about fixing it.