ATR President Grover Norquist was on CNBC’s Squawk Box to discuss the coming tax hikes when Biden is joined by a Democrat-controlled House and Senate, as well as the important fight against foreign Digital Services Taxes imposed by various different countries.
“And the other big question we have is where will he (Biden) be on fighting against the European effort to put a Digital Services Tax on America’s rather large and successful companies like Google, Facebook, and Apple that Trump people had fought it very hard. Unclear that Biden with his new ‘let’s get along with Europeans’ will continue to try to stop those taxes targeting American companies, not European companies.”
DSTs pose an unprecedented danger to tax competition, innovation, and economic growth. These new taxes represent a dramatic and irreversible shift for the international tax system. While they are imposed on business revenues, DSTs will ultimately end up harming consumers and workers as the costs are passed down. This will result in fewer jobs and lower wages for businesses, especially third party suppliers and sellers that rely on tech companies for their livelihoods.