While Internet service providers are among the loudest opponents of Net Neutrality, there are others who show important opposition.  These less heard opponents, however, are just as influential.

Robert Kahn is the first notable figure to look at.  For those who aren’t Internet history buffs, Kahn is one of the co-developers of TCP/IP, or a set of communications protocols.  This prominent internet engineer believes that enacting net neutrality legislation would inhibit experimentation and innovation.  He also believes that the term net neutrality is merely a “slogan” and “dogmatic views of internet architecture” should be avoided.  According to Kahn, the internet today is still fragile, and enacting any neutrality legislation would hinder further development of the Internet.

Another important name in internet history is David FarberHe is also an outspoken critic of net neutrality.  Farber understands that restricting the ways in which Internet networks are managed would stifle innovation.  He also understands that this would prevent activities that would actually increase the value of the internet to consumers.  In a video interview, Farber personally denotes the regulation of wireless as an error and a mistake:  Part I, Part II.

There it is…words straight from the mouths of Internet forerunners, net neutrality is wrong.  Not only is it wrong, but it can lead to consequences in research and development for further internet innovation.    Picture the Internet you use today governed by net neutrality.  Would you be happy with the services you use staying the same, no advancements, no updates, nothing new? That’s what would happen if the FCC has their way and implements net neutrality.  In the name of stimulating innovation, the FCC needs to be opposed, or just say good bye to an advanced Internet.