With minorities comprising nearly 50 percent of the Wayne County, Michigan population, and 16.4 percent of the population falling below the poverty line, Wayne County Executive Robert Ficano is a strong voice for minorities and lower income families in his battle against net neutrality.

Neo-Marxists at Free Press and Public Knowledge have been trying to win the affections of minorities and low income groups for a long time; luckily, they aren’t taking the bait. The FCC’s National Broadband Plan strives to bridge digital divides across the country and provide Internet access to all. With lower-income beneficiaries on board, the FCC felt that they could tack on net neutrality, a completely different agenda, still with the support of minority groups.

Immediately, minorities stood up against Internet regulation. “The proposed regulations could have detrimental effects on investment, innovation and job creation,” read a July letter from 17 minority and diversity organizations to the FCC. Read more here.

In his article against net neutrality, Robert Ficano exalts the Internet as “a model for innovation and progress, as well as a vehicle for bridging the gap at all socioeconomic levels,” and states:

“Making broadband technology available for all Michigan residents, regardless of geography or income, is an attainable goal. Regulations install unnecessary obstacles for investment and will make this goal a challenge to achieve. We need to do everything in our power to ensure that Michigan's business environment attracts investment, state-of-the-art technology and employment opportunities.”

This isn’t the first time Michigan has stood up for freedom and against government power. In May, the Michigan House of Representatives passed a resolution urging the FCC not to reclassify broadband Internet as a Title II telecom service. Read more here.

In standing up for job creation in Detroit, Robert Ficano is a prime example of why democrats, minorities, and low income groups all have an interest in leaving the Internet unregulated. ATR is glad he and the Michigan legislature are speaking out strongly to protect the innovative and dynamic Internet of today and (hopefully) tomorrow.