On Monday, a group of minority organizations issued a letter to Congress urging members to oppose the Federal Communication Commission’s need to reclassify broadband Internet and assume regulatory powers.  The letter comes with a legal defense, challenging the FCC’s authority to enact such rulemaking.  They also believe that reclassification will hinder any efforts to expand broadband across the country.  These organizations, which include 100 Black Men of America Inc., Hispanic Telecommunication and Technology Partnership, Japanese American Citizens League, and the Minority Business Enterprise Legal Defense and Education Fund, join the growing bipartisan Congressional opposition of this ploy by the FCC.

“In light of the FCC's recent adoption of a Notice of Inquiry on broadband classification, we, the undersigned civil rights and other organizations, have concerns about the unintended implications that such efforts could have on the state of broadband deployment and adoption across the country.  Rather, we urge you and your colleagues in Congress to step in and clarify the scope and direction of the FCC's authority, thereby restoring certainty and clarity to the broadband environment.”

These groups comprehend the detrimental effects that accompany any regulation and reclassification.  Public display of opposition is no longer limited to members of Congress, but is spreading to minority groups and others.  The FCC must recognize this and abandon all attempts at controlling the Internet.


Read the full letter here.