A new report released by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services Office of the Actuary confirms that yet another aspect of Obamacare is bad news for small businesses. The report estimates that 65% of small businesses (or 11 million startup companies) will see higher health insurance premiums as a result of the flawed healthcare law. As damning as this information alone is, the numbers may actually be higher than estimated as many small businesses renewed their health insurance coverage before Jan 1st, allowing them to avoid the higher premiums that were a result of the law’s regulations.
In light of this, it is no wonder Secretary Sebelius is talking out of both sides of her mouth when it comes to enrollment numbers. After months of talking up seven million enrollees by the end of March 2014 as “what success looks like”, Sebelius is now laughably claiming that that number was “never an administration figure”. With disastrous Obamacare websites on both the state and federal level, millions of Americans with cancelled insurance policies, and millions more facing higher premiums as a result of Obamacare, it is no wonder that Sebelius is shying away from her previous definition of success.
To read more about the report, click here.