Just Pay More and I Will Cut Your Benefits

Washington, DC- This elegantly simple solution was provided to you by Rep. Melissa Bean (IL-8) and the American Association of Retired Persons, or the AARP. 

Candidates were asked in a recent survey by the AARP whether they agree with this position: AARP believes that a bipartisan plan that balances additional contributions from high income workers with modest adjustments in future benefits can maintain guaranteed Social Security benefits for future generations.

Rep. Bean had this to say, “I strongly support a balanced, stable Social Security system for all current and future retirees. Any effort to address Social Security will require fair and creative strategies…” 

She also checked off that she was in favor of this plan.

The Wall Street Journal reported today on Representative Bean’s endorsement of the AARP plan: “Democrat Melissa Bean–who is trying to hold her seat in an affluent district near Chicago–now claims she never supported the tax increase she plainly endorsed in answering AARP\’s questionnaire. And AARP is helping her disavow her pledge by sending a letter to her district\’s AARP members (as well as to the districts of other vulnerable Democrats who took its pledge). The letter from AARP President William Novelli slams Ms. Bean\’s opponent David McSweeney for his "ads trying to scare voters."

There is reason to be scared of the AARP plan which calls for, “modest adjustments in benefits and additional contributions from high income workers.” These “additional contributions” will come in the form of higher taxes.  Bean’s approach is neither fair nor creative.     

“If this sorry excuse for a plan is the best one that Melissa Bean and her cohorts can come up with, then I am scared not only for our seniors who depend on Social Security, but also for our kids who will be paying more without any security of their own.” said Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax reform.  “This just shows the amount of effort she is willing to put in to fix our problems.  If this short term patch is all she brings to the table, I don’t think there is going to be enough to go around.”