Arkansas: Legislature considers canceling grocery tax cuts.
Arizona: House committee passes tax credit for a concealed carry permit.
California: With Panthers Super Bowl loss, Cam Newton owes $159,200 in California taxes. Lawmakers propose 15 percent tax on marijuana.
Colorado: Super Bowl-winning Broncos owe California thousands in taxes too. State earns record revenues from marijuana tax.
Connecticut: Gov. Dannel Malloy (D) calls for end to car tax.
Florida: Gov. Rick Scott (R) and Senate clash over property tax rates.
Illinois: Gov. Bruce Rauner (R) and some legislators push for downsizing, tax relief.
Indiana: Gas and cigarette tax increases head to the Senate.
Kansas: House bills look to increase property tax for education funding.
Louisiana: Budget cuts, tax hikes are center of Gov. John Bel Edwards’ special address.
Maryland: Annapolis City Council proposes 25-cent-per-ride fee on Uber and Lyft.
Minnesota: Gov. Mark Dayton (D) asks for $6 million in parental leave for all state employees.
Missouri: Budget subcommittee votes to eliminate budget increase for University of Missouri in light of protests.
New Jersey: Lawsuit claims NJ Dunkin Donuts collected an extra $4 million on non-taxable items. Gov. Chris Christie (R) says he will not raise the gas tax.
New Mexico: Budget concerns raise the question of adding a food tax. Legislature kills a bill that would have increased low-income family tax credits and eliminated capital gains tax deductions.
Ohio: A budget request for a $5 million new Cleveland Browns facility is withdrawn.
Pennsylvania: Gov. Tom Wolf (D) asks for more taxes in next year’s budget proposal.
Tennessee: Hall Tax repeal advances to the Senate.
Utah: Legislators strike down tampon tax repeal.
West Virginia: Legislature overrides Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin’s veto to make West Virginia the 26th right-to-work state and repeal the prevailing wage. Report finds $55 million in food stamp benefits are spent out of state.