Alabama: Lawmakers propose 5 percent alcohol tax to fund Mobile DA’s office.
Arkansas: Puluski County voters defeat sales tax increase for public transit.
Arizona: Gov. Doug Ducey (R) and legislature undecided on how to use surplus.
California: Lawmakers approves $1.27 billion replacement healthcare tax.
Connecticut: Car tax bill hits a roadblock. Gov. Dannel Malloy (D) considers truck tolls to solve transportation budget woes.
Delaware: Senate considers tax relief for disabled veterans.
Florida: Senate committee scales back sales tax holiday.
Idaho: House committee approves 3.5 percent tax on solar production.
Illinois: Democrats fail to overturn Gov. Bruce Rauner’s veto on education spending. Senator proposes one-cent-per-ounce tax on soda.
Indiana: House and Senate continue to look for compromise on transportation funding.
Iowa: After one year of 10-cent gas tax hike, same number of Iowans are still driving.
Kansas: Lawmakers consider tax incentive for donations to schools.
Louisiana: Stalemate continues over budget cuts and tax hikes.
Maryland: Senate and House leaders support tax cuts but cannot agree on corporate income tax cuts.
Massachusetts: Legislators clash over charter school expansion, may result in measure going on the November ballot.
Mississippi: Senate votes to consolidate nine school districts. Voters reject gas tax increase at the polls.
Missouri: Senate begins to debate increasing the gas tax.
Minnesota: Republicans will push for $2 billion in tax relief at start of session next week. State will work with less than the $1.2 billion surplus projected months ago.
Nebraska: Revenue Committee advances $250 tax break for emergency responders.
New Jersey: Senate committee approves bill to cut retirement and estate taxes, but gas tax hike could follow.
Ohio: Delaware County bed tax is on the ballot for March 15.
Oklahoma: Legislators consider bonds for transportation funding.
Pennsylvania: Philadelphia mayor suggests 3-cent-per-ounce sugary drink tax to fund pre-K.
Rhode Island: Gov. Gina Raimondo (D) proposes $1.5 transit ticketing app to attract business opportunities from Massachusetts.
South Carolina: Deal reached on road funding without gas tax increase.
South Dakota: Senate passes half-cent sales tax increase for teacher pay raises.
Tennessee: Senate subcommittee considers various options to reforming Hall Income Tax.
Utah: Senate unanimously passes mandate to collect online sales tax.
West Virginia: Senate passes cuts on coal and natural gas severance taxes.