
Mario H. Lopez: President of the Hispanic Leadership Fund spoke at ATR’s no-carbon-tax event on July 25. He said:

“We promote public policy that furthers liberty, opportunity and prosperity for all Americans. A key component of that mission is opposing policies that make it more difficult for ordinary Americans to make economic progress and to provide for themselves and their families. I am here today because sadly carbon taxes do have a profound negative effect. What else would you expect from a policy that aims to increase taxes staggering $800 billion of the next ten years starting in 2020. The question isn’t really what prices are rising from a carbon tax, but what prices won’t go up from a carbon tax? We are talking about raising the cost of electricity, gasoline, airfares, manufactured products, transporting food and anything else that uses energy which is pretty much everything.”

Lopez also mentioned the disastrous effects of a carbon tax — like the one being pushed by Congressman Carlos Curbelo — on senior citizens, low-income households, and jobs:

”Carbon taxes hurt low-income families and seniors the most, simply because energy costs are a bigger part of their family budget. A carbon tax is basically a subsidy for the elitist. Then there is the effect on jobs: One aspect of this is that the more expensive energy is in America, especially for manufacturing companies, the more likely it is for them to shift business operations and therefore jobs overseas.”

See also: 

Tim Andrews: The Carbon Tax Was an Economic and Electoral Disaster in Australia — A Cautionary Tale for the U.S. 

Scoop: Details of the Job Crushing Curbelo Carbon Tax Bill

Yikes: Curbelo’s Carbon Tax Bill Provides “Travel Expenses” for UN-style “National Climate Commission”

Curbelo Carbon Tax Bill Pays “Experts and Consultants” Up to $164,200 Per Year

Curbelo’s Carbon Tax Would Hike Household Energy Bills by $688

Curbelo’s Carbon Tax Threatens 300% IRS Fines for “Any person who fails to comply”

You might lose your job due to Curbelo’s carbon tax but don’t worry, he’ll “retrain” you

ATR Statement on the Passage of Scalise/McKinley Anti-Carbon-Tax Resolution

Hillary Clinton Memo Shows Carbon Tax Devastating to Low Income Households

Hillary’s campaign manager on a carbon tax: “To be clear: it’s lethal in the general, so I don’t want to support one.”

Center for American Progress Founder: “We have done extensive polling on a carbon tax. It all sucks.”

Even Left-Leaning Washington State Voters Rejected a Carbon Tax

KEY VOTE: ATR Urges “YES” Vote on Scalise-McKinley Anti-Carbon Tax Resolution

41 Conservative Groups Support Scalise/McKinley Anti-Carbon Tax Resolution

Canadians Revolt Against Trudeau’s Carbon Tax

Carbon Tax Pushers Beware: Vermont Republican Defeated Carbon-Tax-Supporting Democrat

Carbon Tax Pushers Beware: Australia’s Carbon Tax Politicians Were Quickly Voted Out of Office