IER Calculator Illustrates the Economic Cost of Cap and Trade
The Institute for Energy Research has created a calculator that will allow households to see how much the American Power Act is going to cost them. The Burden Calculator allows people to input their financial figures into pre-set categories and then compute the dollar amount of income lost from Kerry-Lieberman’s tax hikes.
The calculator was established in response to the Kerry-Lieberman proposal known as the American Power Act (APA). Currently, Senate Majority leader Harry Reid (D. Nev) is trying to push the APA onto the Senate floor before recess.
The Burden Calculator is a terrific tool for anyone looking to discover the truth behind the Democrat’s proposal. For example, if your household makes $5,000 a month and you spend $4,000 on everyday expenses, the Burden Calculator predicts that you will forfeit over $1,000 annually if the American Power Act is passed.
Furthermore, IER research shows that cap and trade legislation would cause the loss of over 500,000 jobs by 2015 and more than 5.1 million by 2050.
With a struggling economy and incompetent politicians in control, America cannot afford higher taxes and fewer jobs. IER’s Burden Calculator allows Americans to put a numerical value on how devastating this proposal really is.