Taxpayer friendly candidates across the country sweep into office

WASHINGTON – In a stunning repudiation of historical trends, Republicans won control of the Senate and made significant gains in the House, despite this being an off year election with a Republican president in power. How might we explain this outcome? Taxes.

Taxpayer Protection Pledge signers won hotly contested House races in Alabama, Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Utah. Winning pledge signers include:

Jo Bonner (AL)
Mike Rogers (AL)
Rick Renzi (AR)
Trent Franks (AR)
Devin Nunes (CA)
Marilyn Musgrave (CO)
Bob Beauprez (CO-not final)
Ginny Brown-Waite (FL)
Katherine Harris (FL)
Tom Feeney (FL)
Mario Diaz-Balart (FL)
Phil Gingrey (GA)
Max Burns (GA)
Candice Miller (MI)
Thad McCotter (MI)
John Kline (MN)
Jon Porter (NV)
Scott Garrett (NJ)
Jeb Bradley (NH)
Steve Pearce (NM)
Mike Turner (OH)
Tom Cole (OK)
Jim Gerlach (PA)
Tim Murphy (PA)
J. Gresham Barrett (SC)
Marsha Blackburn (TN)
Jeb Hensarling (TX)
Michael Burgess (TX)
John Carter (TX)
Rob Bishop (UT)

"The midterm elections were a huge win for taxpayers," said Grover Norquist, President of Americans for Tax Reform. "On the heels of the landmark Bush tax cut, voters everywhere rewarded those who promised never to raise taxes, and rejected those who wanted to repeal the Bush tax cuts."

Since 1990, Americans for Tax Reform has sponsored the Taxpayer Protection Pledge, committing signers to "oppose any and all efforts to increase the marginal income tax rates for individuals and/or businesses … and oppose any net reduction or elimination of deductions and credits, unless matched dollar for dollar by further reducing tax rates."

Before yesterday\’s vote, pledge signers included President George W. Bush, eight governors, 38 Senators, 211 U.S. Representatives, over 1,250 state legislators and over a thousand challengers for office. There will be a net gain of four pledge signers in the Senate, and several in the House.

"The winning theme of the night was \’no new taxes,\’" Norquist continued. "But the real winners were the American people. The results of this election should be lower taxes, smaller government, and more prosperity for all."