
Seven-figure swamp lobbyists are working to impose a carbon tax on the American people. The carbon taxers and their willing accomplices in the beltway media desperately want to convince congress to go along with it. Carbon taxes are a long-term goal of the big-government Left.

In her book What Happened Hillary Clinton reveals she was “fascinated” by the idea of a carbon tax and a financial transactions tax. She wanted to take the money generated by both taxes, filter it through the Washington D.C. bureaucracy, and then send everyone a check as part of a Universal Basic Income scheme.

The whole process would be “a way of making every American feel more connected to our country and to one another – part of something bigger than ourselves.”

She writes:

If you view the nation’s financial system as a shared resource, then you can start raising real money from things like a financial transactions tax. Same with the air we breathe and carbon pricing. Once you capitalize the fund, you can provide every American with a modest basic income every year. Besides cash in people’s pockets, it would also be a way of making every American feel more connected to our country and to one another – part of something bigger than ourselves.

Clinton said she worked for weeks on the issue:

I was fascinated by this idea, as was my husband, and we spent weeks working with our policy team to see if it could be viable enough to include in my campaign.

Though she found the idea “exciting” and “tantalizing” it was only dropped because she “couldn’t make the numbers work.”

The official 2016 Democrat Party platform calls for a carbon tax.

The official Republican platform is rightly opposed to “any carbon tax.” Conservative groups are fully opposed to “any carbon tax.”

In 2016, the U.S. House passed a strong anti-carbon tax resolution. No Republican opposed this resolution.

Americans for Tax Reform has documented Clinton’s entire tax hike career, at a dedicated website: www.HighTaxHillary.com