is featuring a profile of ATR President Grover Norquist. Author Christopher Lagan calls Norquist “the most influential political strategist most Americans have never heard of”. The article details ATR’s inception during the Clinton health care reform push, the Wednesday Meetings, and Mr. Norquist’s efforts to build center right coalitions across the country:

He is, on the one hand, a fixture inside the Beltway and one of the most connected players in conservative politics. Yet, it is his ability to connect to and relate with activist groups across the country that has led to his success as a kingmaker for the conservative movement. In fact, our first interview with Norquist took place during a break in a meeting he was moderating for leaders of Wednesday Meetings that take place in 45 state capitols across America.

For more, including Grover Norquist’s take on the current health care battle, click here. was founded to create a “credible, timely and reliable hub of online media that will accurately portray the 2009 U.S. Health Care Reform policy”. Check in on the site to stay informed on health reform news and legislation, or follow it with Twitter @hc_horserace.