
On this week’s episode of The Grover Norquist Show, Grover discusses one of the biggest issues on the GOP’s summer legislative agenda, Obamacare repeal.

Grover Norquist: “Talk to your Congressman and Senators if you see them and say: “Hey, are you gonna get rid of all the Obamacare taxes or just some? … Because they all really did say that they would get rid of all of these taxes”

To make good on repeal, Congress should eliminate the nearly 20 Obamacare taxes that equate to roughly $1 trillion dollars pulled straight from the pockets of American families and businesses.

In hopes of accelerating this process, 47 free market groups and activists recently signed onto a letter urging Senate Finance Committee Chair Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) to eliminate all of the Obamacare taxes. The coalition letter can be found here: 47 Conservative Groups and Activists: The Senate Should Repeal All Obamacare Taxes

To learn more, listen to Grover’s latest podcast and be sure to subscribe to the weekly Grover Norquist show to stay updated!