Just in case you have missed all the evidence we have previously presented on exactly how socialized medicine – the ultimate goal of congressional liberals – works in reality, here’s yet another example from Britain’s National Health Service: the poster child for liberals everywhere:

A quarter of health trusts failed to meet standards over hospital infections while five were warned over blood-spattered walls and mouldy instruments under a toughened regulatory regime, the Guardian has learned. Of particular concern was the state of ambulances, which were inspected for the first time. Investigators found dirty forceps stored in some vehicles as well as bloodstains.

Of the 167 trusts inspected, 42 were found by the commission to be in "breach" of NHS registration requirements by not meeting standards. All 11 ambulance trusts in England were assessed – and four found to have violated the terms of their NHS contracts.
The reasons for failure were worrying: 36 trusts were not providing areas to decontaminate instruments; in three trusts there was a failure to regularly flush unused water outlets – crucial for the control of legionella infections; and 13 trusts were criticised for not keeping clinical areas clean.

Charming isn’t it? And that’s just the start of it. Well, get used to it. Because this is exactly what’s to come in a few years here if the radical leftist ideologies in Congress get their way.