On December 22nd, just 3 days before Christmas, Governor Ted Strickland signed an $844 million income tax increase on the hardworking taxpayers of Ohio. This is the culmination of a battle dating back to early fall when Governor Strickland was talking about "freezing" the last year of the 2005 tax cuts that were signed into law by then Governor Taft. The last tax cut was implemented on January 1, 2009, making his reversal an income tax increase.
In a state that was already hurting with unemployment numbers over 10 percent, he chose a route to patch the budget that would taking more money from families. Spending cuts are what was needed, not tax increases. Quoted in a December 17th article in the Columbus Dispatch, Sen. Jim Hughes stated, "One of the main things lacking here is we’re not looking at long-term solution(s). This is a Band-Aid approach, at best. We need to look at solutions to save money and tighten our belt." To read the entire article, click here.
One reform that would be helpful in finding wasteful government speninding in Ohio would be the implementation of the 2008 spending transparency legislation, HB 420, by Rep. Tom Brinkman. With such legislation implemented, Ohio taxpayers could help the Ohio state government find wasteful spending. To see a list of states who have implemented spending transparency websites, see this list from the Center for Fiscal Accountability. Reducing spending, not raising taxes is the angle that the legislature and Governor need to be pursuing.
Hopefully on election day voters will remember the $844 million tax increase that Governor Strickland signed and decide to implement some changes in the Governor’s office themselves.
To see ATR’s press release regarding Strickland’s signing of the income tax increase, click here.
Photo credit: Ronnie44052