Eleven-term Congressman Gene Taylor (D-Miss.) likes to say that he’s a friend to Mississippi taxpayers. He even signed a “Taxpayer Protection Pledge” to Mississippi voters in which he promised to not raise income tax rates nor to vote for any net income tax hikes. His record, though, is one of higher taxes, more spending, and more debt. Consider:
Congressman Taylor violated his Taxpayer Protection Pledge no fewer than four times, voting again and again for higher taxes on Mississippi families and small businesses
Congressman Taylor twice voted to raise taxes on families and small businesses that use energy, driving up costs for everyone:
Congressman Taylor voted to raise the top marginal income tax rate (the rate at which a majority of small business profits pay tax) in order to pay for a giant Washington, DC spending bill:
Finally, but most damaging of all, Congressman Taylor twice voted to make San Francisco liberal Nancy Pelosi the Speaker of the House, laying the groundwork for Obamacare, record levels of debt and Washington spending, and the new “cap and tax” energy scheme:
Congressman Gene Taylor acts like a Mississippian to get re-elected, but once he goes to Washington he sings out of the same old, tired liberal hymnal. His opponent, Steve Palazzo, has signed the Pledge and shows every indication of keeping his promise to Mississippi taxpayers. If you’re sick of sending someone to Washington who doesn’t represent your values, vote out eleven-term Congressman Gene Taylor on Tuesday.