A reminder that U.S. Senator Michael Bennet (D-Colo.) called out Kamala Harris for her plan to ban employer-based insurance, during a July 2019 presidential primary debate hosted by CNN.
Bennet said of the Kamala Harris plan:
“If we can’t admit tonight what’s in the plan — which is banning employer-based insurance — we are not going to be able to admit that when Donald Trump is accusing Democrats of doing that as well.
We need to be honest about what’s in this plan. It bans employer-based insurance and taxes the middle class to the tune of thirty trillion dollars.”
Bennet was correct on both the insurance issue and the tax issue. Americans for Tax Reform has documented the Harris middle class tax increases here and at the Kamalanomics.org website.
During a CNN interview Harris herself admitted that her plan would eventually force everyone off their company healthcare plan.
CNN host Anderson Cooper: “But in your plan, eventually, everyone would be taken off the private plan their company currently has?”
Kamala Harris: “Yes.”
Even Joe Biden called her out for her plan to take away private health insurance.
Looking directly at Harris next to him on the July 2019 debate stage, Biden described her plan:
“You will lose your employer-based insurance. And in fact, you know, this is the single most important issue facing the public.”
Biden also said:
“It will eliminate employer-based insurance.”
In yet another CNN interview, Harris admitted that employer-provided coverage would be taken away and suggested there is no need to worry about being shoved into a government plan because, “You will have ten years to transition.”
CNN: “But if you are getting insurance from GM, from your employer, you will not be able to do that, correct?”
Harris: “You will have 10 years to transition.”
Stay tuned to Kamalanomics.org for updates.