
As she crusades for more tax increases, Hillary Clinton conveniently fails to mention how steeply progressive the tax code is right now. According to recent data from CBO:

-The top one percent of households pay 38.3% of federal income taxes and 25.4% of total federal taxes.

– The top 20 percent of households pay 88% of federal income taxes and 69% of total federal taxes.

– The top one percent of households pay an average income tax rate of 23.6% while the middle quintile pays an average income tax rate of 2.6%.

– The top one percent of households pay an average total tax rate of 34% while the middle quintile pays an average total tax rate of over 12.8%.  

– The top 20 percent of households pay an average total tax rate of 26.3 percent while the middle quintile pays an average total tax rate of 12.8%.

The data is shown below: